The last couple weeks have been filled with doing research, shopping for boat parts and fixing things. My surveyor left me with a list of 27 items that need to be addressed. Then as I examined the boat I created a list of another 30-40 questions that I had. Little things like, what’s that switch for? To big things like, how do I raise the mainsail? Or, should I buy another anchor? (the answer is yes). Plus I managed to break several things while doing some repairs and maintenance. With no car, my bike is my main mode of transportation. Fortunately there are supermarkets, a Walmart and Home Depot within 3 miles so I am able to shop fairly easily, although I do have to keep an eye on the weather and my panniers only hold so much, so I can’t buy bulky things. But with the internet it’s easy to order stuff and have it sent here.
There’s a joke that goes BOAT is an acronym for Break Out Another Thousand, and it’s true. Between repairs, tools, spare parts and professional help, I’ve easily spent over $1000 since I got here. But I knew that. They say you should budget 20% of the boats sales price to upgrade it after you make the purchase. I budgeted several thousand to get the boat up to where I wanted it.
But after more than two weeks I still have not left the dock. My instructor has been busy with boat shows and other things. Then when we finally booked a day to go out sailing, we did an engine inspection and found a loose water pump belt. As he tightened a bolt, it sheared off and so we were unable to go out. One thing I realized is that you will never be bored on a boat; there are always things to check and clean and fix. It’s a tough environment with the salt water, constant vibration and stresses of banging around in waves.
Things can get a little cramped inside. Here I am working on the engine. Not so much fun but once I get all the little things fixed I can get out and hopefully enjoy some sailing. Stay tuned.