Windy Wyoming

It’s been a tough week. I left Rawlins, Wyoming headed west on interstate 80 in order to save some time. There was a strong headwind which slowed me down a bit the first day. The next day it was stronger, and by the third day it was absolutely brutal. Wind gusts up to 40 mph all day. I averaged about 4 mph riding 10 hours a day. I was totally wiped out by the end of the day.

The interstate was awful. Thousands of trucks, cars and campers zooming by at 80 mph. Normally I never take the interstate but I needed to get to Idaho quickly so this was supposed to be a short-cut. The only thing that saved me was Mike Duncan’s Revolutions podcast about the French Revolution. I had that in my ears all day which helped me forget the traffic and noise.

On the plus side I was able to camp out in some remote beautiful places.

Here I am at the continental divide.

At one point all the traffic on the highway stopped. I gleefully rode past all the stopped vehicles.

The reason for the delay was that a semi wiped out and one lane was blocked.

I’ve never had wind this strong and steady for three straight days. It killed me.

The wind let up for a few days as I continued northwest. I got on some nice quiet back roads with great camping. This is a view from one campsite.

Sunset at my campsite.

The camp in the morning.

Typical back road.

No cars to worry about.

Another campsite in southwest Wyoming. Deer and antelope were everywhere.

I finally left Wyoming and entered Idaho.

This is part of the Oregon trail, which people took in the 1850s from the east to Oregon.

That’s it for now. The plan is to continue NW to Boise then Oregon, and finally to Seattle.

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